Scholarships for Cuban Students

Intermediate / Bachelors / BS / Masters / MS / PhD / Post Doctoral / Graduate / Undergraduate / Postgraduate Degrees
2021-2022 Scholarships in Cuba and Abroad
Scholarships for Cuban Students
Cuba is an island. Cuba Island is a part of Latin America. The capital and largest city is Havana. Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean Sea, and the second-most populous after Hispaniola Island. In 2014, Cuba population was 11,238,317. Cuba is officially a secular state, Religious freedom increased through the 1980s in the country. Everyone are free to fellow their own religion and its values. So, Roman Catholicism is the largest religion in the Cuba. The official or government language of Cuba is Spanish and majority of Cubans speak Spanish. Spanish as spoken in Cuba is known as Cuban Spanish and is a form of Caribbean Spanish.
Cuba education has been a highly ranked system for many years. Literacy rate is 100% in the country. In 1728, the University of Havana (oldest university) of the Cuba was established, and there are many numbers of other well established colleges and universities in the country. Education in Cuba is under the Ministry of Higher Education. School attendance is compulsory from 6 years to the end of basic secondary education till age 15 or 16 years old. Primary education provides lasts for six years; secondary education is categories into basic and pre-university education. In Cuba higher education is provided by universities, higher institutes, higher pedagogical institutes, and higher polytechnic institutes. There are total 47 universities, and all higher education institutes are public. There are other universities included Universidad de Oriente (in 1947), Universidad Central de Las Villas (in 1952), Universidad Católica de Santo Tomás de Villanueva (in 1946) and also Universidad Masónica, and the Universidad de la Salle. According to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, the top-ranking universities in the Cuba country are Universidad de la Habana (1680th), Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría (2893rd ) and the University of Santiago de Cuba (3831st).
International Scholarships for Cuban Students
International scholarships for the Cuban Students who want to pursue their study in foreign institutes, universities, schools and colleges who are offering scholarships for the Cuba outstanding Students. There are several international scholarships like as A*STAR Undergraduate Scholarships, Global Scholarships Program at Catholic University of Korea, Brunel University Scholarships, KU Leuven University Scholarships, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) Scholarships, Curtin University Scholarships and many other given in the link.
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