Scholarships for Ecuadorian Students

Intermediate / Bachelors / Masters / PhD / Post Doctoral / Undergraduate / Graduate / Doctoral / Postgraduate Degrees
Study in: Ecuador and Abroad
Scholarships for Ecuadorian Students
Ecuador is a representative democratic republic in northwestern South America. It bordered by Colombia on the north, Peru on the east and south. The largest city is Guayaquil, while the capital city is Quito. Population is 16,144,000 in 2015. Spanish is used as an official language in the country. Spanish is spoken by approximately 2.5 million people in Ecuador. The U.S. dollar is current currency of the Republic of Ecuador. According to the Ecuadorian National Institute of Statistics and Census, 80.44% are practice of Roman Catholic Latin Rite. Ecuador is currently placed in 96th position in the worldwide, of innovation in technology. The major areas of scientific research in Ecuador have been in the medical fields, tropical and infectious diseases treatments, agricultural engineering, pharmaceutical research, and bioengineering. There are top three polytechnic institutions in scientific research: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral – ESPOL, Universidad de Las Fuerzas Armadas – ESPE, and Escuela Politécnica Nacional EPN.
The Ecuadorian Constitution requires that all children attend school until they achieve a “basic level of education,” which is estimated at nine school years. Higher education or tertiary education are providing in the colleges or universities. Ecuador has 61 both private and public universities. The Central University of Ecuador is a national university. It was established in 1826 and located in Quito. It is the oldest university in Ecuador. National Polytechnic School is a public university. It is also known as EPN that located in Quito. EPN was founded in 1873. Universidad San Francisco de Quito university is also located in Quito. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) is a Pontifical Catholic university located in Quito.
International Scholarships for Ecuadorian Students
International scholarships for the Ecuadorian students who want to pursue their education in foreign schools, colleges, institutes and universities who are offering scholarships on the basis of best academic result Such as, University of Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) Scholarships, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Scholarships, SDA Bocconi Scholarships, University of Arts London (UAL) Scholarships, Laboratory of Excellence in Research on Medication and Innovative Therapeutics (LERMIT) Scholarships and other famous ones are provided at the link below.
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