Scholarships for Latvian Students

Intermediate / Higher Secondary / Bachelors / BS / MS / Masters / PhD / Post Doctoral Degrees
Study in: Latvia and Abroad
Scholarships for Latvian Students
Latvia education is free and mandatory from the age of 15, or through the completion of primary school education. In Latvia Riga Technical University and University of Latvia are two major universities. It was established on the basis of Riga Polytechnical Institute. Another two important universities of Latvia, which were established on the base of State University of Latvia, are Latvia University of Agriculture. It was founded in 1939 on the basis of the Faculty of Agriculture and second Riga Stradiņš University. It was founded in 1950 on the basis of the Faculty of Medicine. But nowadays both universities cover a variety of different fields. Daugavpils University of Latvia is another important centre of education in Latvia. Latvia closed 131 schools between 2006 and 2010, which is a 12.9% decline.
Scholarships are great way to promote education globally. So, this page of our site is especially made to share scholarships local and foreign scholarships for Latvian Students. The scholarships are for different levels such as Higher Secondary School Scholarships, Secondary School Scholarships, Bachelor Scholarships, Master Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Graduate Scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships, Doctoral Scholarships,Postgraduate scholarships,Postdoctoral Scholarships and Diploma/Certifications Scholarships etc. The details of each scholarship is provided on the links where you can find the subjects, eligibility criteria, how to apply and contact details to look for some scholarship award options you could be eligible for. Once you find that you fulfill all the conditions then prepare your documents and apply immediately.
International Scholarships for Latvian Students
International scholarships for the Latvian students who want to pursue their education in foreign schools, colleges, and universities. There are many scholarships for Latvian students Such as, Erasmus Mundus Scholarships, Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Scholarships , World Bank Robert S. McNamara Scholarships, University of Amsterdam Scholarships, University of Sheffield Scholarships, ETH Zurich Scholarships, Lund University Global Scholarships, Australian Governments Scholarships and other famous ones are provided at the link below.
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