Scholarships for Romanian Students

Intermediate / Bachelors / BS / Masters / MS / PhD / Doctoral / Post Doctoral Degrees
Study in: Romania and Abroad
Scholarships for Romanian Students
The adult literacy rate of Romania is 98%. Romanian education is overseen by the Ministry of Education and Research. Romanian education is based on a tuition-free, egalitarian system. In Romania education is compulsory until the tenth grade at the age of 16 or 17 years old. There are approximately 4,750 opened schools in Romania. In Romania higher education is provided onto the European Higher Education Area. According to the PISA Romania on the 45th rank out of 65 participant countries. Romania often wins medals in the mathematical olympiads. Top romanian universities, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, University of Bucharest, and West University of Timișoara have been included in the QS World University Rankings’ top 800.
Sholarships for Romanian Students 2015 page is specially made for sharing scholarships for Romanian students.They can find both local/home and international scholarships. These scholarships for different levels such as Intermediate Scholarships,BS /Bachelor Scholarships, MS/ Master Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Graduate Scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships, Postdoctoral Scholarships, Fellowships/ Training Scholarships. The details of each scholarship is provided on the following links where you can find the subjects, eligibility criteria, how to apply and contact details to look for some scholarship award options you could be eligible for. Once you find that you fulfill all the conditions then prepare your documents and apply immediately.
International Scholarships for Romanian Students
International scholarships for the Romanian students who want to pursue their education in foreign schools, colleges, institutes and universities who are offering exceptional scholarships on the basis of their excellent academic record. There are several international scholarships provided for students by different countries,Universities,colleges such as Erasmus Mundus Scholarships,Romanian Government Scholarships,Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Scholarships,World Bank Robert S. McNamara Scholarships, Wells Mountain Foundation (WMF) Scholarships, Civil Society Leadership Awards (CSLA) Scholarships and US-Japan Bridging Foundation Scholarships.
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