Top Job Search Tips / Techniques

Searching for an appropriate job is not an easy task. Even with adequate qualification there is no guarantee that you can get job without making much efforts. In today’s world of competition, successful candidate is one who employs all job hunting techniques mindfully.
Top Tips / Strategies for Job Hunting
In this era of technology, there is bombardment of information, but the person need to have skill of how to extract useful information and letting go of rest of information. Following job hunting tactics / tips if followed will be of great help.
Narrowing Down Geographical Area
First step is to locate the geographical area in which you want the job and to make a list of organizations working in that area that are relevant to your field of interest. Get contact details of those organizations which appeals to you most.
Reference Person
Next step is to find out any person who you are familiar with, working in that organization who can help you in knowing whenever there is a job opening as well as assist you in applying for that job.
Print and Electronic Media
Print media used to be the best source of job related information when technology was not so much advanced. But still you should also keep this option in mind while searching for job. One research study indicated that electronic media is nowadays more convenient and less time consuming option.
Employment Agencies
There are number of employment agencies that you can subscribe to for latest job update. These agencies have trained individuals who not only help in job search but also trains an individual how to prepare resume and how to present yourself in best light to the employer.
Subscribing to Websites
Subscribing to famous job websites in your country is another important job hunting technique. These websites email you the link whenever there is job opening relevant to your area of interest and geographical location.
Managing your Resume
CV/ Resume are reflection of yourself, your skills, abilities, and strengths. It should be prepared in such a way that employer after reading it could not stop himself from hiring you. It should be to the point, brief and appealing to the employer.
Social Networking
Networking is the most important tool, try to expand your social circle. Your networking circle should include institutes from which you have studied, teachers, friends, and your relatives as well. According to a survey 80% of the jobs are not advertised, rather vacant positions are occupied by employee’s referral.
Utilizing Time Effectively
It may takes many weeks even month to get an appropriate job, meanwhile instead of wasting time and doing nothing, it is always better to get yourself enrolled at some temporary job even if it is not much relevant to your area of interest, because experience in multiple dimension also adds to your strength.
Record Keeping and Follow ups
One’s you have applied for job does not mean that your work is over, but the most important task begins here, you need to keep a record of organizations applied for, as well as regularly checking the status of your application.
Competitiveness and Motivation
Although searching for job is time consuming, but only key to success is to keep yourself motivated and most importantly belief in your abilities that you are capable of proving yourself.
Be Mentally Prepared
One’s you start job search, you should be optimistic about getting it, and at the same time you should be preparing yourself mentally and physically for that job. Because the way you look at things determine what you will get.
As truly said
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”
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