Ways to Sleep Better During Allergy Season

As summer comes, and flowers blooming, the increase in pollen will result in allergies like itching, sneezing, stuffiness, and red watery eyes. And most of the allergic sufferers complain that their sleep disturbs at bedtime because of this. So with little effort of reading 9 ways to sleep better during allergy season you can sleep better.
Keep your indoor air clean
Staying indoors is a great way to escape pollen. Household dust, pet hair, dander, and allergens tracked in from outside can contribute to allergies in the house. To keep your indoor air as clean as possible, use a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in your bedroom. Regularly inspect window and door seals if outdoor allergens are a problem and if you suspect mold anywhere
Use of De-Humidifier
Warm, moist air is a breeding ground for allergy-triggering mold and bacteria. In rainy and humid environments, keeping a dehumidifier in your bedroom helps suck out some of the moisture so it’s harder for allergens and mold to grow.
Keep your sheets Clean
Washing your bed sheets regularly with proper washing detergents is key to sleeping well during allergy season in order to remove dust pollen or hair because one doesn’t know what will cause sneezing.
Consider Anti-Allergy Bedding
Anti-allergy bedding uses technologically advanced fabrics that stop the pollen, dust, and dirt from creeping into your mattress, resulting in less nighttime irritation. It’s also wise to skip feathers and wool that can’t be regularly laundered since they can harbor.
Use of Anti-Allergy
If you take short-acting allergy medications, don’t forget night time dose, take medicine at bedtime to take better sleep.
It’s Time for New Mattress
The older your mattress and pillows get, the more dust, skin cells, sweat, and body oils get trapped inside of them, especially if you haven’t been using a mattress protector so change the mattress before its getting too old.
Avoid Fluffy Pillows
After a long and hectic day when you go to bed and sleep over a fluffy pillow, your sleep flew at once. Because these fur pillows are medium pollen and dirt to set in, so avoid pillows.
Don’t Allow Pets in Home these Days
Cats and dogs are walking allergen. So don’t allow them inside the home especially bedrooms.
Shower at Night Instead of In the Morning
Shower at night and slip into fresh clothing, and you wash all that stuff down the drain so it doesn’t end up in your bed.
Wash out your sinuses
When dust particles, allergens, etc enters your nose they cause inflammation of membranes and blockage of the nose which results in a sinus infection. Wash out your sinuses to remove these dust particles, pollen, and allergens from your nose. To wash your sinuses use a neti pot or squeeze bottle then pour the solution of saline gradually into the upper nostril then let the solution squeeze out from your other nostril. You can also use saline nasal spray which also removes allergens from your nose and prevents inflammation of mucous membranes. Washing out your sinuses is beneficial in many ways such as it will permit sinus passages to clear by increasing the flow of mucous, it will diminish the swelling of mucous membranes, it will improve your breathing, it will prevent infection of sinus and it will relieve nasal blockage (congestion) and irritation.
Avoid the outdoors in the early morning
If you are a person who is more susceptible to allergies then avoid going out in the early morning. Why? – Because trees and grasses start emitting pollen between 5 to 10 am. When you are exposed to an allergen and your body’s immune system detects that and overreacts to that by releasing a multitude of chemicals, those chemicals then trigger the release of fluids from the blood vessels and cause a runny nose, congested sinuses, itchy and runny eyes and sometimes rash on the skin. Also try to close windows and doors from 5 to 10 am to prevent entry of pollen in your house. Some allergens are common in your house such as dust mites and pet dander etc. Best is trying to avoid going out on high pollen count days.
Use hot water for laundry
The best way to kill dust mites, tree pollen, and pet dander from your clothes is to wash them with hot water. According to studies, hot water kills 100 percent of pollens from your clothes. Hot water is also great to clean those germs on your clothes.
Use the dryer
Use the dryer for your laundry! Because if you hang your laundry outside then your clothes, sheets, etc are at risk of catching so many pollens, allergens, and dust which are present in the air. So dryer is best solution to keep pollens and allergens away from your laundry.
People who suffer from seasonal allergies are well aware that the symptoms of allergy such as the itching, stuffiness, sneezing, and general discomfort do not stop at bedtime. Allergies will affect sleep by making it more difficult to fall and stay asleep. More than thirty percent of allergy sufferers say that the allergy symptoms affect their sleep.so they try all these ways to get rid of these problems.
If you have allergy problem then easy solution is to just take an anti-allergic dose you can sleep for more than 12 hours