Wenner-Gren Foundation Scholarships for International Students

Postdoctoral Fully Funded Scholarships
2021 / 2022 Scholarships in USA
Wenner-Gren Foundation Scholarships for International Students 2021 / 2022
Wenner-Gren Foundation is offering Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships for all nationalities students in USA. It is Foundation policy that Institutional Overhead or Institutional Support is not covered under this fellowship. Applicants can apply regardless of institutional affiliation, country of residence, or nationality.
Fields of Study / Subjects
Applicants are welcomed to start full-time writing in “Anthropology” field of study for their Postdoctoral research program.
The scholarship contributes to the Foundation’s overall mission to support basic research in anthropology. To ensure that the discipline continues to be a source of vibrant and significant work that furthers our understanding of humanity’s cultural and biological origins, development, and variation.
Other latest Scholarships in USA are also offered for different degrees and subjects all over the USA.
Numbers of Scholarships
Approximately eight (08) scholarships are offered annually to the international students to do research writing in Postdoctoral degree program.
Duration of Scholarships
The time period for Wenner-Gren Foundation scholarships is twelve (12) months.
Note: Wenner-Gren Foundation scholarships are nonrenewable.
Scholarships Description / Details
Wenner-Gren Foundation Scholarships for international students provide many grants for the applicants, these following grants are:
- Provide US $40,000 of financial support for twelve months of continuous full-time writing.
- Applicants can request for shorter time periods and receive a pro-rated award as appropriate (e.g., a six-month project would be awarded $20,000).
Note: Institutional overhead or support is not included in this scholarship.
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be considered for Wenner-Gren Foundation Scholarships for international students, applicants must fulfill the following criteria:
- Applicants must have completed PhD or equivalent degree.
- Applicants must have received a PhD or equivalent within ten years of the application deadline.
- Qualified scholars are eligible without regard to nationality, institutional, or departmental affiliation although preference is given to applicants who are untenured or do not yet have a permanent academic position.
- The fellowship may be used to support the preparation of a book or monograph manuscript, journal articles, book chapters, or a combination of these forms of publication.
- Prior recipients of Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships are not eligible to apply for a second fellowship for a different writing project.
- Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship applications that were unsuccessful in a prior funding cycle may be resubmitted only twice.
- The Foundation cannot accept an application from a prior grantee unless all requirements of a previous grant have been completed.
How to Apply / Download Scholarships Form / Documents Required
Applicants can apply for this scholarship, must follow some steps:
- The Foundation operates an online application submission procedure.
- Required attachments:
- Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Form.
- Project Bibliography.
- Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae.
- These documents must be in a format compatible with Microsoft Word 2003, or as an Adobe PDF. Acceptable document formats include “.doc”, “.txt”, “.xls” and “.pdf”.
- One printed copy of the application form and required attachments, PLUS four (4) printed copies of the application form only, must be sent to the Foundation.
- Applications must be in English.
Contact us
- Email: applications@wennergren.org
- Main Telephone: +1 212 683 5000
- Fax: +1 212 532 1492
Last Date to Apply / Deadline: May 1, 2019 (Wednesday)
Official Website
Visit official website to get further details about the Wenner-Gren Foundation Scholarships for international students:
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