World Bank Robert S. McNamara Scholarships for International Students

PhD Research Scholarships
Partial Funded Scholarships for International Students
World Bank Robert S. McNamara Scholarships 2025
World Bank Robert S. McNamara is offering scholarships for international students all over the world. These scholarships are offered for those applicants who want to pursue their PhD Research study program in the different universities of the world in different countries.
Field of Study / Subjects
Applicants can choose fields that should be related to development, in fields such as:
- Economics
- Health
- Education
- Agriculture
- Environment
- Natural Resource Management
- Other development-related subject
Other latest International Scholarships are also offered for different degrees and subjects all over the World.
Number of Scholarships
Many numbers of awards are offered under World Bank Robert S. McNamara scholarships program annually.
Duration of Scholarship
The duration is 6 to 10 months for PhD research program
Scholarship Description / Details
World Bank scholarships provide many grants, these grants are:
- Covering the costs of research program
- Tuition
- Living allowance
- Basic medical
- Accident insurance
- Travel
- Allowance for the cost of research
- Books
- Research materials
- Software
- Local field trips (for data collection)
- Research expenses
- Fees for host institution seminars/conferences
- Printing and other expenses
- The maximum amount of the award is US$25,000
Eligibility Criteria
In to be considered for this scholarship, applicants must be:
- Applicant’s home country is a World Bank member developing country
- Applicants have not a dual citizen of a developed country
- Currently enrolled in a PhD program in a World Bank member country
- Applicants will have completed all coursework and exam requirements for your PhD at the time of application
- Must have a master’s degree
- 35 years or younger
- Applicants enrolled in a PhD program in home country or another World Bank member country and are working
- Enrolled in an academic or research institution in home country
- Applicants accepted as a visiting scholar for six to ten months
- Research proposal is endorsed by PhD thesis supervisor and host institution
Scholarships Bond
Commit to returning to your home country to complete PhD and work after completion of research.
- Required two reports:
- A mid-term report during the award period
- A final report containing the results of the McNamara sponsored research
How to Apply / Download Scholarship Form / Documents Required
To apply for this scholarship:
- Apply through online application
- Attach all documents:
- Academics Transcripts
- Complete CV
- Employment Certificate (If applicant a worker)
- Other required documents
Contact us:
- The World Bank
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20433
Phone: (202) 473-1000
Fax: (202) 477-6391
Last Date to Apply / Deadline: 2nd November (annual)
Official Website: Visit official website to get more information
I want to study in japan
Apply if you are eligible with all required documents.