Difference between Apes and Humans

Going back to the birth of man, we heard from our ancestors that humans used to be animals like apes. To some extent, it seems right as it is a global thought that humans were apes, but it is not a belief of everyone. Some people believe in this concept, while others may disagree.  Although, when we talk about both the terms, surely they are significant in their respects. Humans belong to that category of Homo sapiens who can think. Apes are living beings belong to Homo sapiens, but they lack the ability to think.  Now, someone who is not familiar with the word ‘ape’ will get confused between apes and humans. So, let’s see the difference between Apes and Humans.

Apes: Apes are the mammals with no tail. They are mainly created to climb on the trees. In other words, we can say they are tailless primates.

HumansHumans are creatures capable of a walk, think, and speak. They are not created to climb on trees as they have arms and legs.

Apes Vs Human


Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution in his book “On the Origin of Species.” His approach is based on two key points.

  • All the life on Earth is interconnected and interrelated.
  • The diversity of life is a result of the modification of the population according to the environment.

The theory of evolution is also called “the survival of the fittest.” We can simply define evaluation as descent with modification. It is believed that the species share the common ancestors, change with the time, and the environment. So this is the case with humans, they belong to the group of primates- a group of apes- also called hominoids. Apes and humans share the same background, and apes are considered the ancestors of humans with modification.

Difference in Anatomy

Hairy SkinWhen we compare the quantity of hair of both these creatures, apes have abundant hair on the skin. The hair almost covers their whole body except their face.

Humans have less amount of hair on their bodies as compared to apes; they have hair on armpits, legs, back, arms, belly, chest (especially males).

Facial StructureWhen apes and human structure is compared, apes have a scary look as they have large gums for eating. Their eyebrows are so prominent, and they have a big nose. The oval cavity of apes is also huge.  Lips of apes are not noticeable as they are thinner.

Human has thin eyebrows. Human has an attractive and delicate nose.  The oval cavity of humans is small in comparison to the apes. Lips of humans are more prominent than apes,

Walking areaApes have shorter legs and longer arms. Their knees can bend easily. Their feet are flat.

Whereas when we compare their anatomy regarding their walk, Humans have longer legs, and their arms are bit smaller. Humans do have the capability of straightening up their knees and can also bend them. Coming to their feet, humans have large feet.

Change in Group Conduct:

CommunicationApes have a restricted communication level as they are unable to read and write. Apes mostly communicate verbally. Moreover, they are unable to learn any language for communication rather than the language which is given them naturally. Humans can communicate more effectively in contrast to apes. They can share their thoughts both in a verbal (through talking) and non-verbal way (through gestures and expressions). Humans can learn many languages, and they have the capability of writing, reading, speaking, and listening- the quality lacked in apes.

Habitation: Apes are mostly found in the forest where they can live freely without any rules and regulations. They have no place for dwelling except woods and lack civilization. Humans possess their residence; they mainly live with their families. Usually, human groups are widely spread, as they are mobilized and advanced. Humans live a well-disciplined life with rules and regulations.

Now, what makes us humanGod has blessed humans with so many blessings, hearing sense, sense of taste, smell, and sight. However, these senses are also present in apes but are more developed in humans. Apes lack non-verbal communication because they are unable to read and write. Humans are more superior then apes due to the presence of the brain. But humans are using their minds negatively, as they are killing animals.

Islamic point of view

Islam is the religion followed by Muslims possesses a totally different point of view from Darwin’s ‘theory of Evaluation.’ Allah says that He made a man superior to all the creatures (Ashraful makhloqat). How could a person possibly be a modification of ape or chimpanzee? Is it possible? Muslims don’t believe it because, in their holy book “Al Quran,” Allah has stated an incident related to the nation (Bani Israel/habitants of Israel) who was turned to apes by Allah. The Prophet Dawud (David) was also the king of the United Kingdom of Israel, forbade his nation to catch fish and other business on Saturday as it was the order of God. People neglected the order and remained busy in their businesses. Allah changed the faces- of those who made fun of the Prophet and refused his sayings- and made them apes (monkeys) as a punishment. They were cursed by Allah and got punishment on the Earth.


Apes and humans are primates and belong to a group called hominoids. They both are known as Homo sapiens.  There are two prevailing ideas about their birth and later on modification as a different entity. According to Darwin’s theory, humans are civilized and updated forms of apes and belong to the same group. Contrary to it, Islam suggests that Allah cursed humans (Israelites- nation of Prophet Dawud) for disobeying Him and turned them to apes. So these are the concepts varying in the context of science and religion. Science believes in Apes to Human theory while Muslims believe in Humans to Ape concept (according to the Holy Quran). Is it ok?