Chester Carlson Inventor of Xerography

Biography of Chester Carlson
Early Life
Chester Carlson inventor of Xerography was a well known scientist and inventor. He is widely credited as the invention of xerography or electro photography. He was from American background and was born in the year of 1906 on 08th of February in the Seattle, Washington which is located in United States of America. He started his formal education when he was just some years of age. His father’s name was Olaf Adolph Carlson and he was not a man with many degrees and despite of this thing, his parents were much interested in his education. He joined his local town school for initial education and after that; he joined a college for further studies.
Later on, as mentioned, he joined the Riverside Junior College for further education in a program which was very helpful for him to continue his education with work. After studying some years over there he moved to Caltech which is also known as California Institute of Technology, for further education. He studied over there for many years to complete his education and was considered as an influential student. His field of interest and study was that of physics and later on he succeeded in graduating in the field from the same institute.
This thing is much worthy in the biography of this great person that, he had started his career in a very young age and he had to support himself for his education by working part times with his studies. After completion of his education, he started his formal career as a research engineer when he joined a company named as Bell Research laboratories. He worked there for a long and worked for number of inventions. He invented numerous things but these were not of that worth, of which xerography is.
Inventor of Xerography
Chester Carlson invented the electro photography later on, and that made him to be considered as an influential scientist of the field. As he had many other inventions to work on, but this invention dragged his interest and attention to itself only and he kept working for the betterment of his device.
Xerography often considered as (to be used for Xerox copy) and sometimes known as electro photography was one of the biggest inventions of the first five decades of the century. It can be said as that it is a technique which is used for dry photocopying of different things written on papers and most commonly, the documents. The patent for this invention was awarded in the year of 1942 to its inventor who invented it in the year of 1938. Its main and important function can be said as to make copies often termed as Xerox and photocopy. It is a machine used electrically.
He died in the year of 1968 on 19 September. He was almost 62 years of age at the time of his death.
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