Biggest Mistakes you can make at a New Job

On your first day of a new job you are often happy and nervous. But after a few weeks, you start to settle in and feel more comfortable with your colleagues and the work. But if you’re not careful, you could find yourself unknowingly making the kind of mistakes that will not only bug your co-workers and boss, but prompt them to label you as “annoying, ignorant or valueless.

There are following biggest mistakes often made at a new Job by employees.

Develop Dissatisfaction

In today’s financial settings, many employers are overworked, haven’t had a smart salary and have not been able to take holidays, etc. that’s why they develop a huge level of dissatisfaction in the work place and this level rising worse day by day.

Not Focusing on their Job

In today’s professional environment, the employers too much time on their smartphones and Facebook at work, this behavior cause others and boss to see you immature and lazy.

Not Following the Professional Dress Code and Appearance

Some employees don’t follow the company’s or professional dress code or the company culture. They avoid carrying professional get-up they think this is not very important. This mistake causes boss very unhappy, and can force boss to discover a new employee.

Not Following the Rules and Regulations of Company

Some employers at new job don’t follow the rules and regulations of the company and don’t follow the timing schedules of their job or company; they reached on job very late and eventually fired.

Rudeness, Superiority Complex

Some employees think that they are very intelligent, talented and competent. They don’t need any guidance. They don’t need to attend any professional training, they think they can do and know everything and they have a huge knowledge. This thing makes employers very rude and uncooperative. Their behavior with others is not good. They think they are perfect except others.

Failing to Make Friendly Gestures

Some employees fail to look in the eye and say good morning and don’t make some friendly remarks, they avoid these small gestures, and this mistake makes them unprofessional and immature.

Not admitting if you don’t know anything

You would like to prove to others that you were the right choice for the job. There’s nothing wrong with knowing that you don’t know something .Ask questions that will allow us to understand. We constantly say there is no such thing as a stupid question. Leading questions shows your colleagues you’re interested in studying, developing and becoming a reliable team member.

When you arrive late on the first day

Late arrival on the first day of work does not give a good impression. It makes one feel like you’re not interested in the job or unhappy with it. If you really want to make a good first impression, then show up five to ten minutes. The extra time could be seen as an opportunity to get ready for a day ahead and chat with some of your new colleagues.

When you continuously use your phone

Continuously using phone texting or calling from workplace offer the appearance that he or she is not committed to the job. It’s better to use your personal phone only during breaks, at least for the first week, until you know what the workplace routine is .

Being too Political

Some employees play politics at the work place, they may be jealousies with their co- workers and start to dislike them, they disregard their work and complain to boss about their mistakes.

Making Promises you can’t Keep

In start of the job some employers making promises with their boss that they with handle certain project or work very well and will complete on time. But they fail to complete their promises on time. This mistake makes them untreatable.

Telling Lies

At first some employees telling a lie to hide their deficiencies or mistakes to protect themselves or someone else. This mistake makes them untreatable and makes their boss unhappy and can force to take some action about their mistake.


These type of mistakes rigorous extreme and highly inconsiderate, but they have a tendency to snitch up on you. If you make some of these mistakes, these might be a major cause to destroy your career. A gentle reminder is a great way to avoid them completely. Do you agree with us?