Difference between Apprenticeship and Internship

Two common job training techniques are apprenticeship and internship. In apprenticeship, the learner experiences training where skill needed for a specific occupation or business are being trained. However, in internship, the undergraduate students learn particular aptitudes needed in a specific field. Individuals get astounded in differentiating these two methods but there exist the difference between these methods. In this article contrasts between these terms are explained below.


An apprenticeship is actually a proper employment program which helps to prepare the trainee to make a particular job. Apprenticeship provides the employment to the individuals who definitely know which profession they wish to take after. In the event that trainee joins a program, he will sign an agreement with boss and learn particular skills and aptitudes during apprenticeship. This more often includes a blend of job training and work experience, and can be said as formal, work based training. The time period of program is one to six years, and toward the end of apprenticeship, trainee will have a proper qualification and the aptitudes expected to work in his picked field. Customarily, apprenticeship programs usually have focused on pragmatic professions, for example, manufacturing and construction.


Internships are the training program which is mostly for short time period, regularly going on for a couple of weeks or months. An individual can intern in private and additionally public associations. Numerous individual go for internship to pick up at work experience of working in a specific part, association or industry. This can give some assistance with deciding the profession you want to take after, and it might help you to get experience that supports your long term career prospects. You might learn some aptitudes and skills from internship, however this is considered as education part instead of a training part.

Apprenticeship Vs Internship

  • Meaning:

Apprenticeship is actually training program directed in a company or organization for trainee so that trainee acquires an opportunity to learn and be paid in the meantime.

Internship is actually training program for undergraduate so that they get an opportunity to learn in the particular field and increase certifiable experience.

  • Based:

Apprenticeship can be said as the training which is work based.

 Internship can be said as the learning which is work based.

  • Time period:

Apprenticeship is training program for long time period i.e. for one to six years.

Internship is a program usually for short time period i.e. for two to six months.

  • Selected for:

Apprenticeship is a training for which employees are selected.

Internship is a training for which undergraduate students are selected.

  • Part:

Apprenticeship is a training which is supposed as part of “Vocational Education and Training”.  Internship is a training which is may or may not suppose as part of any formal education.

  • Trainees:

In apprenticeship, the trainees can be known as an apprentice.

In internship, the trainee can be known as interns.

  • In the end:

In apprenticeship, when training ends, job is offered to the trainee.

In internship, when training ends, an experience letter is given to the trainee.

  • Salary:

In apprenticeship, salary is always there for training.

In internship, salary may or may not be there.


From the above article we can ended up with the main points that includes that an apprenticeship is actually training program directed in a company or organization for trainee so that trainee acquires an opportunity to learn and be paid in the meantime while internship is actually training program for undergraduate so that they get an opportunity to learn in the particular field and increase certifiable experience. Apprenticeship is training based on work, for long time period and always paid while internship is learning based on work, for short time period and may or may be paid. In the end, job is offered to the trainees of apprenticeship i.e. apprentice while experience certificate is given to trainees of internship i.e. interns. Employees are selected for apprenticeship and undergraduate students are selected for internship.