Construction and building are related to the process of making. Difference between them is only about their use at different times in language. Building is a synonym of construction.


Construction is the process or art of constructing something. As an intransitive verb, it means putting something together by arranging or connecting an array of parts. In syntactical terms, construction means a statement that makes something clear.


Building is a roofed and walled structure built for permanent use. As a verb, it is present participle form of the verb ‘build’. It means the art or business of assembling material into a structure. It is something built as a dwelling, shelter or a place for human activity.


The word construction was first used as a verb ‘construct’ in 1663. Its roots lies in the latin word constructus which means related to structure. As a noun, construction word was used in 1933 for the first time.

The word building was first used in 13th century. It was used to define a structure/ place with shelter.


Construction- erection, structure, clarification, elucidation, exegesis, exposition, explication etc.

Building- structure, edifice, putting together, assembling, confecting, fabricating, raising, etc


Some examples of the word construction are:

Noun-Construction of the new road will begin in summer.

Noun-Note the similar construction of colleges.

Verb- Construct a regular pentagon with each side of 2 cm long.

Some examples of the word building are:

Noun- My school is in the red stoned building.

Noun- We purchased the land for building.

Verb- I spent two hours building a model of a car from waste material.

Derived terms: apartment building, building blocks, building permit, building society, outbuilding, bodybuilding, etc.

Difference from other similar terms

Construction and building differs from manufacturing in the sense that manufacturing means mass production of similar items for various purchasers. Construction happens at a particular place for a specific client or clients.

Use of the words ‘construction’ and ‘building’ in present day

Construction, as an industry, contributes a huge percent of GDP of developed nations. So, it is a widely used term. It begins with planning, designing and financing; and continues till the building project is completed and ready to use. It works in collaboration with various other disciplines like engineering, designing and architecture.


Construction is a more specific term. It refers to the activities that result in the making of final product building. Building is an actual structure that comes up after the process of construction is over. In civil engineering, the word building is used to describe a physical structure, a place for shelter. Construction refers to the work of contractor who is responsible for creation of this structure.