Difference between Dyslexia, Alexia (Inability to read) and Aphasia

In the tunnel of psychology, we do come across many disorders and they are so abandoned and infinite that we cannot count them at all. Disorders are increasing day by day. When it comes to learning, it is indeed a difficult task. But most of us really don’t know about these scientific terms rather people don’t even want to know them. We should know the nature of the problems rather to run away will be the only solution for you. In this world, we have so many disorders present in us, among them, the two dyslexia and alexia are much common and highly problematic for people especially in children and aphasia in older individuals. This post will reveal the difference between Dyslexia, Alexia (Inability to read), and Aphasia.
What is Dyslexia?
Brain is a blessing if use it properly but some people remain un-blessed full till their death. It is a congenital disturbance. Dyslexia is a kind of disturbances in the process of reading, in short, we can say that the ability of reading gets disturbed.
What is Alexia?
On the other hand, alexia is a disorder in which the reading ability is absent and it’s permanent. It is a neurological injury in the temporal and partial lobe. The patient is unable to read anything because the reading ability is not with him. In short, it is an acquired disorder.
What is Aphasia?
Aphasia is an acquired (you are not born with aphasia) communication disorder. It occurs in people after a stroke, brain injury, or a neurological disorder called primary progressive aphasia. Aphasia impairs a person’s ability to process language, but it doesn’t affect their intelligence. People with aphasia are still just as smart, though they may have problems understanding language, speaking, reading, or writing. To communicate with a person who has aphasia you need to
Be patient
Allow plenty of time for response
Use simple and short sentences and
Make sure you go to a quiet place to speak so there aren’t a lot of distractions.
People with aphasia may need to use communication tools such as an iPad or drawing with a pen and paper to get their point across. They may also use gestures if they can’t come up with a word.
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Dyslexia vs alexia vs aphasia:
What are the characteristics of these people and what is being observed? When it comes to the victim of dyslexia people here are the following problem they face:
Mostly feel difficult in reading the printed letters
Mostly, they reverse the words in which their mind perceive differently for example, they can utter ‘pot’ instead of the top.
While reading, they may omit alphabets and other words.
One of the important aspects is that they may omit vowels and pronounce it differently.
Difficulty in memorizing the spellings, even the names of other objects.
On the other, the children having reading disorders have certain problems, which are as follows:
Delays in the reading
Too much difficulty in reading
Force reading as the ability to read is not with them
Problems in understanding what’s written
Problems in perceiving the spellings, language, and the lexis.
Low intelligence
Disorder of written expression
Whereas the main symptoms of aphasia include: a person may have:
Trouble in speaking (they find difficulty in choosing proper words)
While talking they may use strange terms out of context
A person with aphasia finds difficulty in understanding what other person is saying
When talking to them in crowded places, they can’t concentrate on what you are saying and may find distractions
They find difficulty in reading or understanding other person’s handwriting and also are unable to do simple calculations.
How to treat the patients suffering from these problems?
Dyslexia treatment: When it comes to the patient of dyslexia, psychologists do have several treatments for them. Treatments for dyslexia patients consist of the usage of educational tools in order to enhance the ability to read more clearly. Starting treatment says that when the child is young he or she can better acquire the reading ability rather than starting it very lately. If the child is above 3 years age, he should go to have IEP that is an Individualized education program that is specially tailored for the children’s needs. Though the child will need to put extra effort into reading.
Alexia treatment: On the other hand, when it comes to the patients of alexia, there are some treatments for them as well. Special treatments are designed for them so that they can get rid of the disorder. For these patients, special training classes are arranged in which they need to acquire the reading ability because they don’t have even learning sense. Like, if a patient is suffering from phonological alexia, obviously the written expression and the sounds will not be recognized by them. In this way, special classes will be arranged for them in which reading and spelling performance for real words will be added so that they could no longer face the difficulty in reading and understanding the sounds.
Aphasia treatment: Before treating a person with aphasia therapist needs to consider their age, position of brain lesion, size of brain lesion, cause of brain injury and type of aphasia (as there are three types of aphasia- Broca’s aphasia, Wernicke’s aphasia, and Global aphasia). Treatment of aphasia includes:
Speech and language therapy – The aim of this therapy is restoring communication abilities or try to create new ways of communication to compensate for language problems. Therapists may advise exercises
Surgery – If the cause is brain tumour then surgery is needed
Sometimes a person with aphasia doesn’t need treatment because it resolves on its own.
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Save money and rush to the doctor! In all three cases, they feel problematic while reading. Dyslexia has the ability but the temperance problem is there and in Alexia one does not even have the ability to read and in aphasia person’s speech is affected. When to call the doctor is an important question because, when a child or person shows the above-mentioned symptoms, just rush to the doctor without wasting the time so that child could easily recover the problem earlier.
I came across this article while searching for dyslexia and alexia and many things are indigestible. I am not mentioning all, but one that is intolerable is the word “un-blessed” for dyslexic people. And dyslexia is not a disorder, it is just the brain wiring that is not like other people. It is just that the world has not invented a well-designed teaching system for them. All over the world, there are successful and BLESSED people who have dyslexia. And for your information, Einstein and Abhishek Bachchan are two of them. Find out more and know that “un-blessed till death” is a hurting word. I am the mother of a child who is very smart but has full spectrum learning disability. And yes, SHE IS BLESSED!
I agree, it is a very disrespectful choice of word. I’m thankful for the information but they didn’t have to discriminate disabilities like that.
I agree, it is a very disrespectful choice of word. I’m thankful for the information but they didn’t have to discriminate others like that.
I’m agree that this word is unjustice to them
I am didn’t understand what you tried to say.? You didn’t relate any things that could not be connected with aphasia and dyslexia in how they were related and how to fix them. A waste of time and space.
can you please suggest and give us some text we can use to improve our article.