Difference between Pulled Muscle and Pinched Nerve
Difference between Pulled Muscle and Pinched Nerve

Health is wealth is a common proverb but if health is not with you it is seriously a matter of tension. In everyday life, many people go to the gym and normal walk in order to have a good physique. A person who is a gym goer and experienced athlete, or if he loves to go outside with friends to have fun, he may face these issues such as a pinched nerve, pulled muscle, or sprains. In this state, most people go for the pain killers and taking tablets like Paracetamol and other painkilling tablets. Well! Rather than going for taking such medicines, a person should know the nature of his problem or injury he is facing. People often confuse themselves in a pinched nerve, pulled muscle and sprains and they rush to doctors in order to get relief. In order to know what they are let’s know the difference between Pulled Muscle, Pinched Nerve, and Sprains.

What is a pulled muscle?

A pulled muscle occurs when a muscle or tendon is pulled (overstretched) or when the muscle is torn due to overwork, tiredness, or inappropriate use of muscles. It is also known as muscle strain. Pulled muscle can affect any group of age. It also can occur any of your muscles but most commonly it affects:

Lower back muscles

Shoulder muscles

Neck muscles

Hamstring muscles.

What is pinched nerve?

A pinched nerve is defined as when a nerve is compressed (over pushed) by its surrounding structures such as tissues (bones, cartilages, muscles, ligaments, and tendons). Compression may occur due to repetitive motion or when a person holds his body part in one place for a long time. Pinched nerve can affect any of your body parts.

What is sprain?

The sprain is a condition in which your ligaments (a connective tissue that joins two bones or two cartilages together) are twisted or stretched. It can occur in both upper and lower parts of your body but most commonly sprain occurs in your ankles.

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Pulled Muscle vs Pinched Nerve vs Sprain:

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When it is the matter of pulled muscle, it occurs in the major areas of your body. For example, chest, back, shoulders. Your muscle gets stretched and injured when you strain your muscle or the group of muscles too much. In this way, the small fibres tend to tear. When it comes to the pinched nerve when tissues in a specific area get pressured too much. It, then goes down and extends the nerve and causing pain. Whereas in sprain, a ligament is twisted due to stressed joint. The sprain occurs when you walk on a rough surface, tripped by an object while walking or jump from quite a high place.


Now, the small fibers when tearing apart causes pain in the body or the affected area but it’s not a matter of panic but it affects the injured area only but not spread further down your body.  On the other hand, pinched nerve travels along the length of the nerve. Sometimes, it gives a pinching sensation ad makes your body wet that gives you swear pain for a short period of time. It doesn’t show up on the skin like the effects of the stretched muscle. Whereas in sprain, pain is only felt in the affected area.

Are They Easy to Attain?

All three of them are painful indeed and gives a sensation at times. Among them, pinched nerve is easy to get than a pulled muscle and sprain as it always easy to have that pinched nerve in any part of the body. A pinched is more frequent at times e.g. crossing the legs for a long time or duration.

When Pain occurs, what the Victim faces:

When it’ the matter of nerve pain, it gives you:

Burning up of body


Radiant prickly feeling

On the other hand, muscle pain gives you:




Whereas sprain gives you:

Pain, swelling, bruising, limited movement of joint (no moving or using of joint), and when sprain happens people feel pop in joint.

Switch to the Treatments Now:

Treatment of all three conditions pulled muscle, pinched nerve and sprain is almost the same.

Any pain either of high intensity or low, is surely plisses you off. It gives comfort when it is heard that it can be cured in first support. There are many treatments like herbal, allopathic, or many other therapies for relieving the pain. The most common therapies for stretching are:

Applying ice to the affected area.

Compressing warmly

If the pain is too intense, lay down in a comfortable position.

Using pain killers.

The initial treatment, recommended by doctors is RICE, which consists of Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. It is a current and recent technique for relieving the pain. There is another cold therapy which is from 15 to 20 minutes every two hours, and this process remains till three days at least. After the third day, this therapy is every three to four hours when using it. This cold therapy gives much relief in pinched nerve rather than a pulled muscle. In case of pain in muscle pull, it remains for several days and after that, the therapy works.

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Concluding the discussion, all three conditions are painful and can interfere with your daily life routine so whenever you feel the above-mentioned symptoms just go and see your doctor immediately.How much time do you take to rush to the doctor if you ever feel by any kind of pain?