Difference between Java and Python

Java and Python both are programming languages. Programming languages are used to develop software etc. Computers mostly understand the bits and bytes code which are difficult to understand for human. So programming languages helps us to communicate to computers in simple and easy language.


Java was developed by Sun microsystems and it was first launched on 1995 and it supports Object Oriented Programming. It is platform independent.


Python was technologically advanced by Guido van Rossum and it was titled van Rossum’s beloved small screen demonstrations, Monty Python’s Flying Circus and python is platform independent.

Java VS Python

Variable declaration:

Java is object oriented in the sense that the type of variable must be declared, an error is generated if the type is undefined.

Python is a mixture of object oriented and imperative programming which means there is no need to declare type of variable.


Java needs an interpreter i.e. compiler to run code.

Python code is run directly and there is no need of compiler.

Conversion of Data:

In order to convert Integer to String in Java following piece of code is written:

String str=Integer.toString(i);

In order to convert Integer to String in Python following piece of code is written:


Run time Environment:

 In order to write java code some setup is needed for example Netbeans and Eclipse.

Code of Python can be written on prompt box in Linux and Mac as in web development the Html and CSS code can be written in simply notepad which is built in software.


In Java if we want to write Hello World Program we have to write following code:

Public class HelloWorld{

Public static void main(String[] args)

System.out.println(“Hello World”);}

In Python if we want to write Hello World Program we have to write following code:

Print “Hello World”

Lines of code:

As the above example explains that in Java hello world program is written in 3 lines

Python hello world program is written in one line. Code of python is more precise than java


In Java // tags are used to write comments

In Python # tag is used to write comments


Both programming languages have there on pons and cons. Java is multithreaded whereas Python doesn’t support true multiprocessor. Performance of the software developed in Java is slow as compared to software developed in Python. We have to make choice of the languages according to our requirement. Nowadays Java is preferred over python due to android apps.