During pandemic COVID19, the current situation suggests us to get locked in our house to keep ourselves and others save from the infectious disease. We have to quarantine ourselves without any interaction of outer world.

It is the need of the situation to understand the difference between lockdown, seal down and lockup, so that we can better follow up the instructions from the government.

Lockdown Vs Curfew


A lockdown is preventive measure taken by the government officials in emergency. As the name suggests, lock means close. Like during pandemic Covid19, we are staying in our houses for weeks; we cannot go anywhere; we cannot meet anyone; the shops and markets are closed; only the medical stores, grocery shop, general stores and hospitals are open to facilitate the citizens. All the day-to-day activities comes to end in the lockdown and only a person can step out only for crucial activities like grocery shopping and medical facilities.

Why to have locked down?

When situation is getting out of control and there is a danger for life outside then everybody is restrictedly prohibited to go outside. It is called lockdown. When the things become normal and the danger is over, then people are allowed to continue their pending tasks.

Types of Lockdown:

Emergency Lockdown:

When there is a life threat or risk of an injury for the people, the specific area is locked down temporarily. For example, if a student attempts suicide in a hostel room or in learning institution, the authority or police will order to lock down the area for the investigation.

Preventive Lockdown:

It is the preemptive measurement to minimize the risk of life threat. This type of lockdown is implemented as a preventive measurement to avoid the danger. For example, if people hear any news of invading terrorists in their area and they get locked in their houses to avoid the danger, it would be a preventive lockdown.

Lockdown due to infectious disease:

When there is a doubt of spreading infectious disease in a town by touching things, then there is a lockdown to be safe. During pandemic COVID19, there is a mass quarantine in the whole world. Lockdown has limited daily activities of people for good.

Measures to be taken in lockdown

  • Do not step out without any urgent need.
  • Do not wander or try to meet friends.
  • Follow the precautions.
  • Do not violate the rules.
  • Stay in your house to be safe.

Curfew/ Seal off

It is similar to lock down with more restrictions. To seal off a specific area means that nobody can enter or leave the area. We can also use the term curfew in place of seal off which means that the authority completely seals the area for purpose. For example, during pandemic Covid19, such areas caught virus is sealed by the authority to stop its spread. Curfew is a preventive measurement for the rest of people to not get infected. People are directed to stay in their houses and they cannot step out even in need of emergency before deadline.

Curfew is the need of hour to keep everyone safe; otherwise people will keep going outside and it would be impossible to stop the spread of deadly disease (corona virus).

Lock up

Lock up (verb) means to imprison someone who is guilty. Lockup (noun) is a building like jail in which a criminal is kept for a limited duration of time.


Lockdown and curfew are used as preventive measures to surpass the deadly consequences. In lockdown, everything is locked and people are not allowed to go outside unnecessarily but only for grocery shopping or medical facility. Curfew comes up with more restrictions even people cannot go outside for grocery shopping and bound to stay indoors until the deadline is over. In lockdown, private vehicles having pass can move on roads while in curfew road seems empty. Those government institutions like banks which remain open in lockdown will be asked to shut after announcing curfew. Lockup means to keep a criminal in a prison as a punishment for violation of law. What you like or dint like in this article please let us know.