Difference between O Level and Matric

Difference between O level and Matric
The debate over ‘which one is better, O Level or Matriculation?’ seems never-ending. It was the question once seldom asked, but now with growing awareness and prevailing competitiveness, parents and students at some point have a second thought about which one to opt.
So, how to choose between O level and Matric? You will know after reading this article, the differences between O level and Matric, the two educational systems, and then you will weigh the pros and cons of both.
What is the O level?
General Certificate of Education (GCE) divides education into two parts; O level and A level. O level, also called the Ordinary level, is an internationally recognized subject-based qualification. It is education at the secondary school level, or one might say the education equivalent to 9th and 10th grade (Matriculation).
What is Matriculation
Matriculation can be defined as ‘the process of formal education before entering a college or university.’ It is of becoming eligible to enter college by fulfilling specific academic requirements such as a matriculation examination. It is education at the secondary school level.
O-Level vs. Matric
Course outline, grading system, testing methods, duration, and in short, everything of the two systems are worlds apart.
The duration of the O level education comprises of three years while the matriculation offers two years of schooling.
Learning Methods
Conceptual based learning over rote learning certainly gives O level students an edge. They do have the upper hand in terms of knowledge than their counterpart Matric fellows.
Matric is affordable to a vast majority, and thus with many shortcomings cater to the whole country while O level is practically out of reach of the salaried class (people who get a monthly salary).
Matric students often indulge in rote learning and prefer to fill the pages in the exams. There is also a concept of filling more sheets to impress the examiner. O level study is all about conceptual learning and prefers to-the-point answer in the exams.
Educational Systems
O level comes under the British educational system. The O level qualification is awarded by CIE, i.e., Cambridge International Examination.
While Matric comes under federal or local educational boards of the country, these boards award the SSC (secondary school certificate) on completion.
In O level for every subject, there is a specific syllabus and guidelines to follow. Students study from different reference books following the curriculum and are not stuck with a single course book throughout the course period.
Matric students have certain prescribed books for every subject that they are bound to learn for exams. They don’t go around consulting different books.
Grading System
In the O level, the performance of a student in each subject is graded. The grades range from A+ (being the best) to E (being the last considerable grade). Students unable to make through exams are ungraded and are given a ‘U.’
Matric System deals with numbers rather than just awarding grades. Total marks for Matric exams are different in different countries. They get grades on overall performance instead of per subject. A student who scores more than 80 percent marks is awarded an ‘A’ grade.
Examination Pattern
In O level, Cambridge International Education (CIE) takes 2 to 3 papers of a single subject aimed at building skills in creative thinking, inquiry, problem solving, practical skills, and theoretical knowledge.
Matric exams usually have either two papers or two sections under the name of Objective and Subjective testing the theoretical knowledge. There is a practical exam for science subjects also.
Examination Fee
O level is far more expensive than its counterpart. The examination fee for O level is the sum of the individual fee for every subject a student takes. It is more or less 65 pounds per subject, making the total examination fee more than 500 pounds.
Doing matriculation is not heavy on the pocket. It does not cost much, as in the case of O level studies. In Pakistan, a student of matric has to pay an annual fee of around 1000 pkr to 1500 pkr to the board. Besides board fees, a student pays to an institution every month where he studies.
Examination Timings
O level exams take place bi-annually; once in May/June and in November/December for the second time. It allows students to improve their grades within six months.
Matric examination takes place once a year during the spring season. Students willing to improve their marks must wait a whole year before they can appear again for the examinations.
Division of subjects
Both education systems differ in the division of subjects studied per year.
O level study offers eight subjects to the students in Pakistan. Besides these subjects, there are optional subjects for a student which help to enhance the knowledge in different fields.
In matric, a student has to appear in eight subjects, including five compulsory subjects; Mathematics, English, Urdu, Pakistan studies, Islamic studies, and three optional subjects depend on the field; arts or science.
If you want to pursue your higher education abroad, then O level without a doubt is the right choice. But if your future resides within your country, you should opt for the national educational boards.
The selection between both types of education depends on your future plans or career. If you want to become a doctor, then matriculation will be fine because both education types offer similar science subjects. Choosing matriculation will help you to save a lot of money for future education. If you want to be an engineer, then O level will be a good option as it provides a curriculum with challenging math along with other subjects. Summing up the whole idea, success in any field requires hard work. You can acquire skills from any of the education type, but you have to be true to yourself. If you work hard and are passionate about achieving the goal, only then you can secure your career to make a place in the society.
very well described.. thanks
I do not really get it
really great
great work
Awesome illustration
Good , iam also appling olevels
whats fake dear?
Why fake 😂😂😂😂
So how’s the o levels
Is o level is easy pr not
These days its education medium is mature enough it is not very tough but also not very easy.
Thanks for making clear understanding.
This is very clear messege for understanding .
Thanks Niaz Ahmed
Very easy and to the point information for reader.
What is o level kya ap mujha pori info da sakty hai o level ki
Kindly tell me difference between o-level and matric?
O level comes under British educational system. The O level qualification is awarded by CIE i.e Cambridge International Examination.
While Matric comes under federal or local educational boards of the country. These boards award the SSC (secondary school certificate) on completion.
A very positive and understandable information
thanks and welcome
well described! but i want to ask that after completing O Levels what should i do i am completing O Levels in Pakistan and planning to go abroad for further studies #jin can you please guide me with that what should we choose?
Do what interests you. go for your instincts.
if we do matric then we cant do job of doctor in any other country and after o,a levels how to become a doctor in pakistan and abroad both
No. You have to do FSc Medical and then do MBBS to become a doctor and then do job.
Jin I want to ask how many fee we have to pay if we study o levels in Pakistan? After o levels I want to ho abroad which subjects are best to choice can you please tell me?
why fake?
Is o level equivalent to matric? I did o levels now can l send my certificate to SAQA in South Africa to get a matric or grade 12 equivalent
O Level is equivalent to matric
Thank you
is Ordinary level equivalent to matrix?
Well described for those who had less knowlede about the above information.thanks
I’ve finished studying in class 8th and now I’m applying Matric and I don’t know which subject to choose for Matric, it’s either Computer or Bio/Science.
Can anyone help me in this by explaining it.
If u want to become a doctor then go for bio/science but if u want to become an engineer then u should go for computer.
My son is studying in Chouiefat UAE under’ Sabis ‘syllabus
Should he continue in same curriculum for his high school or O level studies is better to approach?
My second question is if someone go for high school what opportunities he might not get in his life as compared to IGCSE ?
My third question is , can we make equivalent of high school diploma to igcse ?
Lastly, i heard about some detection of percentage in equivalent can you please explain the categories to avoid it
Am i able to apply using o level in any south african university plz reply me on my email i really need your help
I have come to know all information about o level and matric….healthy information👍
I have come to know all information about o level and matric…informative information👍
I’m currently doing O levels in Swaziland, grade 10. My mum want me to do matric next year so I can study in South Africa. Should I do it or continue with the O levels? I want to study in SA or abroad for university but thinking of doing my bachelor’s degree in SA then my master’s abroad. Will this work? Please help.
I wanted to tell you that I am very weak in my academic skills due to which I just get average marks in my exams and in my class test so sould I go for matric or olevels.
What is o level kya ap mujha pori info da sakty hai o level ki
read full post please and comments you will know everything about O level.
I like this one
thanks to you.
that’s good
Can i apply to university South Africa with my O level need hlpe
check their illegibility criteria.
Very good decried
Dear jin, thank you for useful information. my son is studying in class 9 (matriculation). his interest is to study medical (MBBS). he want to do his MBBS in Canada. what is your advise should he complete his pre-medical in Pakistan and then go to Canada or can he go to Canada after Matriculation?
better after matriculation.
Nice answer.But what should I do olevel or matric. I read in the city school. I got a in 7 and 8 exams are in progress.My father can afford olevel.
Do Matric then. And be happy with that. How many people you find who did A level and are at top positions or top business people in Pakistan. No one or just 0.01 may be.
That’s because most of them go abroad.
If I do o level and a level in Pakistan and then go abroad for engineering
Will it be affordable for a middle class family
Usually not. As people have started towards A and O levels in Pakistan without thinking that they afford to send their kid abroad for higher education or not. And once kids study in Beacon House, Roots, Frobels level schools they are misfit here in Pakistani Universities.
is there further education after engineering and is it affordable
Yup PhD and scholarship based if you are able to get any as per your previous CGPA or % in Engineering.
Hey jin if I do o level and want to job in abroad country would it be suitable for me
Very well described.
Hi I don’t have o level certificate or any education certificate but I have talent in cooking so can I find a job in abroad
Can we do olevels and matric both??
Yes you can ask your school to send your admission to Board also to let you give the exam of board also. And you can do preparation in some academy.
I have a question related to this. I am starting my o levels next year in Pakistan. So the o level will stretch over 3 years, that means that I will have to give the exams three times. If everytime I get an A in one subject, say, Global Perspectives, will it be counted s 3 As or a single A?
Also, I want to get an international scholarship by scoring As. By scholarships, I mean from major universities. How many A’s does it require? I am a Beaconite btw.
if we want to go for medical in Pakistan what should we choose?
Matric FSC system.
if iam a pakistani and then i want to study in an other country so what i do first in pakistan olevels is better o metric????
O levels.
Nicely described
Thanks for the feedback
Jin i want to do o levels but right now i am in class 8 doing matric only 5 or 6 days have gone i still want to change and go to o levels but the problem is this that i have brought the books i am too sad i really don’t know what to do.Can you give an advice that what should i do??
Dear IF you want to or afford to study for BS in English Speaking countries then go for O level otherwise Matric is much better for you.
Awesome information
Thanks and welcome.
Hey jinn I really liked this information can you help me with a question I want to ask that in 6 mid i got B grade and in final C 69%and in 7class mid I got C grade and 69% in class I am above the average students in tests I sometimes get highest marks and sometimes average in math and chem I am not strong enough but good in other subjects my writing is impressive my result of 7 final is on 12June pray for my result and please tell me what should I do olevel or matric please please my father can afford all I am a girl I am not confirmed that I will go aboard or not please tell me and take me out of this difficulty your information was really good
Please advise me what should I do I am above average in class I sometimes get highest marks I 6 mid term I got B and in 6 class final term I got C 69% and in 7class mid I got C 69% and of 7class final my result is on12 June pray for me please and tell me what should I do olevel or matric your information is good and impressive but please tell about both importance in Pakistan .I don’t know that I will go aboard or not I am 12 years old we can afford olevel
If you wana stay in Pakistan Metric is best option for you. If your parents have money to send you abroad then O level is best option for you.
Good Luck
Hey jinn I really liked this information it is brilliant 100% thanks for replay thank you so much so much so much
Thanks for replay brilliant information it is
you are always welcome.
I did my O level in zim and l hv got maths.scie.histry.english.agriculture n english literature and l want t study medicine in south Africa how can l help myself.supplement or???
hello mini what did u do with your O level .. l have O level too and l want to study here in SA ,, please help if u did find the way forward.. contact me here 0619557466
i guess o level is better
thanks for such good info.if am bad at maths so what should i prefer ??
I’m in grade 7 right now. If I want to do matric, I should leave my current school cause it only have o and a levels and it’s a private school. I want to do matric but I heard that matric school studies are completely different from private schools so is that true ? What do u suggest me to do ?
Yes usually they are different in terms of commitment of teachers as private schools are more disciplined and worried about their standards.
These both examinations have the same topics but the only difference is the vocabulary, that’s why people who’s English is not so good find it hard to choose IGCSE, rather choose or exchange later to Matric.
IGCSE boards choose specific words and give marks for that if they are written in the answers, comparing to matric, you can write whatever words you want unless the process, understanding of the content or concept is clear.
Guys we ar now on 21 century things change every day statistics change also. Here comes my comments students of o level find it very hard to cope with matric why cuz their use present information and nina be o level don’t want to change (BBT) born before technology hayi mani suka be careful guys u wll left behind
Big problem once you have matric you are not recognised in other countries it only works in south Africa I had to do olevel after I have done matric
No university want a student with matric in any country
whats the conclusion of matric and O level?
If I study O and A levels and want my further studies in Pakistan…will I face difficulties in it?
yes there are chances.
why most of this pakistanis are asking this questions?
I’m in grade 9 doing o levels in a private school abroad I have an option of doing metric and I want to do something related to Arts probably interior or fashion designing in future. I’m thinking of doing matric because ill study in Pakistan. What subjects should I choose and what exactly should I do?
Hi There
If you are unhappy with your matric results or want to change/take new subjects? Then you should consider doing a Matric Rewrite Course.
Here are the benefits of rewriting your matric whether it be with Matric College or the Department of Basic Education:
You will be able to improve your matric results OR obtain a matric certificate if you have failed
Increased job opportunities
Increase your chances of being accepted by your chosen university. This means you can improve your pass level from a National Senior Certificate/Senior Certificate (Amended) pass to a Bachelor’s Degree Pass.