Difference between Optical Microscope and Electron Microscope

Microscope is used for magnification of the objects/images which are not visible by normal human eye. The resolution power of microscope is high than human eye. It was invented by Zacharias Janssen.  There are two main types of microscope Optical Microscope and Electron Microscope. Light is used for observing the object in Optical Microscope whereas Electron Microscope uses Electron for this purpose.

Optical Microscope

It was invented by  Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen due to which they were awarded with Nobel Prize in 2014. The working of this microscope involves visible Light.  It magnifies small objects with the help of lens. It was invented in 1595.

Electron Microscope

The work on Electron Microscope starts from 19th century but it was bring into the market after Second World War. It uses beam of electrons for magnification. The resolution power of Electron Microscope is very high than Optical Microscope. It was invented by German engineers Ernst Ruska and Maximillion Knoll.

Optical Microscope VS Electron Microscope


Optical Microscope uses visible light for magnification.

Electron Microscope uses beam of electron for amplification.

Resolution Power:

Resolution Power of Optical Microscope is less than Electron Microscope which is about 200 nm (nanometer). Which means the object which is under observation is not magnified clearly.

Electron Microscope has a resolution power greater than Optical Microscope which is 0.1 nm (nanometer). The details of object can be observed easily.


Optical Microscope is easily available and this is commonly used in school laboratories for observing objects.

Electron Microscope is not effortlessly obtainable and it is used when detail of some object is to be observed.


The image that is created by Optical Microscope can be viewed by normal human eye.

To view an image produced by Electron Microscope there is need of photographic plate or zinc sulphate fluorescent screen.

Use of Resources:

Optical Microscope does not see to Electricity for its working.

Electron Microscope needs resources like blankness and Electricity for its working.


Optical Microscopes are low-priced in comparison with Electron Microscope.

Electron Microscopes are very expensive to buy and after purchasing them the maintenance cost is very high and it also uses some resources for its working which also increases its cost.


In manufacturing of Optical Microscope there is need of two lenses which will bend the rays to light to focus on image.

Electron Microscopes use magnets for amplification.


The size and mass of Optical Microscope is small in comparison with Electron Microscope and it is easily portable.

Portability is not high in Electron Microscopes because the mass and size of it is large.


Both microscopes have their own benefits and flaws. But they vary from the purpose of use. As if the use is restricted for observing plants and animal cells Optical Microscope is best but when it is used in researches Optical Microscope is of no use than Electron Microscope is preferred. So depending upon the use both has some benefits and disadvantages.