Difference between Sneezing and Coughing

Many scientists are working to search out the way the people cough or sneeze, and their main reason for research is to find the way viruses spread like influenza and its cure. Scientists conclude that similar to people; cough is also in different sizes and shapes. It can be forced, deep or long. Here in this article, we will shed light on differences that exist between cough and sneeze.
A sneeze can be defined as a rapid, forceful, unintentional explode of air from mouth and nose. It is a vicious response and tightens the body leads to pushing air out from the lungs with a speed of 400 miles per hour. Sneezing is actually the way of the body to wash out the germs and make the breath fresh.
A cough is a rapid removal of air from the lungs, which helps to clean the breathing passage. It is a significant way to maintain the throat and air passages clean. While extreme coughing means that the person is facing a disease or some problem, some coughs are productive, and others are dry. The productive cough leads to mucus, which is also called sputum or phlegm. Cough can be specified as chronic or acute. Acute coughs are usually due to flu, cold, or infection, and last for two to three weeks, whereas chronic coughs mostly last more than two or three weeks.
Coughing may have three stages.
- Inhalation
- Forceful exhalation-against closed vocal cords
- Violently releasing air-following the opening of vocal cords
Sneezing VS coughing
People consider them the same, but there are some differences which are given below.
Sneezing occurs spontaneously all the time.
Coughing can occur on the willingness of the person.
The reason for sneezing is the irritation in the nasal mucosa.
However, the reason for cough is the irritation in the tracheobronchial tree of receptors.
In sneezing, impulses travel through the trigeminal nerve.
Whereas in coughing, impulses travel through vagus and gloss pharyngeal nerves.
Air trapped:
When we talk about sneezing, the air is trapped, closing out the exit channel through the oral cavity and nasopharynx.
However, in the case of coughing, the air is trapped after the blocked glottis by tightening of laryngeal adductor muscles
Air released:
In the case of sneezing, the air is released by the notch that exists in the nasopharynx.
In the case of coughing, the air is released by the notch that exists in the glottis.
With a rough estimate, a sneeze can travel with a speed of 100mph. It can expel 100,000 droplets in one go.
A cough can travel with a speed of 50 mph. It can expel 3000 droplets at a throw.
The causes of sneezing are:
- Air pollutants
- Viral infection
- Dust
- Spicy food
- Allergy
- Flu or cold
- Drug withdrawal
- Nasal irritants
The causes of coughing are:
- Throat infection
- Allergy
- Asthma
- Smoking
- Viral infection
- Cystic fibrosis
- GORD disease
- Pneumonia
- Acute or chronic bronchitis
The sneezing has symptoms including cold, burning or watery eyes, runny nose, sore throat, fever, or nasal congestion, etc.
A chronic cough may occur with symptoms including hoarseness, heartburn, runny nose, breathing problem, sore throat, etc.
After knowing the reason for the infection, the treatment is offered accordingly.
The treatment of coughing includes antibiotics, inhaled steroids, antacids, drinking fluids, painkillers etc. according to the cause of infection.
Sneezing is not a disease itself unless it is linked to any infection. It is a natural and sudden outburst of air and contains limited treatment in case of cold or common flu.
How to cough and sneeze without contaminating the air?
- Cover your nose and mouth using mask or tissue paper
- Throw the used mask or tissue paper into the bin
- Sneeze or cough into the bend of the elbow
- Wash your hands
Some main differences between sneezing and coughing are explained above, which shows that coughing is more severe than sneezing. Coughing is a repetitive reflexive, and cause headache, or sleep disruption, while sneezing could be a natural outburst of air to clean the breathing passage or a cause of influenza. These terms share similar goals, such as getting rid of irritants and pollen from the nasal cavity and preventing the lungs from the contamination.
During pandemic Covid19– it is an essential measure to cover your sneeze and cough with mask or tissue paper as the infectious disease Coronavirus spreads through sneezing, coughing, or touching the surface or a person. The infected person must keep a distance from others to decrease the risk of spreading respiratory infection and severe illness.
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