In our daily life we often come across topics that are a Taboo. The topics which we don’t hear many people talking are in dire need of getting addressed. People either feel shame talking about them or think of the issues as something to be shamed. Still there are other people who feel as if talking about these subjects would inspire the younger people around them.

There is a long list of these topics, included are She-male and Transgender. Only by reading both the terms a lot of questions arise in mind. What are they? Who are they? Why are they not mostly accepted by the society? What are their rights? What makes them prone to being treated differently? What causes their families to disown them? And above all, what is their gender? Are they male or female?

Let’s shed some light on the topic and broaden our spectrum of understanding.

What is a Transgender?

A transgender often referred as “Trans”, is a person born with ambiguous sex/gender at birth. The trans people are inclined more towards one specific gender, be it a male or a female. The reason to why people are born with ambiguity is still not known.

What is a She-male?

A she-male has two different explanations. Some people regard it as a total pornographic character, that posses an upper body of female and the lower of a male. Which is a popular and widely accepted concept. While, some people simply explain it as a male occasionally or oftentimes dressed up as a female. In addition to this, these males like dressing up as a female and mostly do it for their own happiness.

Transgender vs She-male


While the transgenders have not well differentiated sex, the she-males are male with well defined sexual organ.

Secondary characteristics:

The development of secondary sexual characteristics takes place around the age of puberty. In transgenders the secondary sexual characteristics are also not well developed. They may have beard like a man, and breasts like a female.

While, a she-male may have or not have a body like that of a woman.


Transgender can have or not have surgery of their sexual organs. Whereas, she-males mostly go without surgery.

The usage of both the terms:

The term transgender encloses with in itself all the transgenders, transsexuals, transvestites, etc.

However, the she-male is strictly confined for the porn industry, and many transgender regard it as offensive and disrespectful term to be used for them.

Genotype and Phenotype:

In transgenders the genotype and phenotype both may be different from that of a male or a female. Also, both the genotype and phenotype may include both qualities of both the other genders.

However, in a she-male, the genotype may be that of a man along with the phenotype of a woman.

Related terms:

Ambiguous sex: Gender difficult to identify or genitalia with both male and female characters which is difficult to classify as either one.

Genotype: The arrangement of genes and DNA.

Phenotype: The expressing of the genes and DNA in physical form.

Secondary sexual characteristics: These characteristics include development of breasts in female, onset of mensuration, growth of pubic hair, widening of pelvis, etc. In a male these include changes in voice, growing of facial hair, enlargement of the genitalia, pubic hair growth, etc.

Genitalia: Mostly used by the medical persons while addressing to sexual organs.


While there is a lot of confusion and mixing up between Transgender and She-male, we can say a transgender is not a mythical creature. However, belonging strictly to porn world, a she-male may not be considered a naturally born person.  While the debate may continue for years, we must make sure to play out part in treating them nicely. Considering them as human as ourselves, trying to give them the rights they deserve, because whatever the sex may be, first of all, they are human. And humanity should always be prioritized. As the famous poem “Voice of God” by Henry Newman suggests, one day Henry Newman climbed on to the top of a church in search of God, and God asked him to go back as He lives among His people.