Life has become busy and demanding these days. The simper times are long gone now. Everyone has to give in their best to achieve the lifestyle the want to enjoy. The energy consumption has increased for the human body now. In this quick and busy life one tends to get tired. There’s not much time to take good care of the body and it’s needs. Vitamins and Supplements come to rescue us here. What are these both? Are they same? Or are these tiny human saviours different from each-other?

What is a Vitamin?

To carry out basic metabolic function, the human body needs certain things that aid the process. Vitamins are micro-nutrients, that are required for metabolism. Also, the vitamins are organic substances.

What is a Supplement?

A supplement is a combination of few things combined, for example Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and likewise things needed by the body. The supplements are made to tackle multiple deficiencies in a single take.

Vitamins vs Supplements

It is a common practice to mistake a Vitamin for a Supplement and vice versa. The two terms are so hugely misunderstood and combined that a number of people think both are same things. However, improving the deficiencies at cellular levels these both things may work for the same target but they are very different from each-other. It’s always good to know the difference between things that might have caused confusion for a long period of time. Below we will tell you how to differentiate between Vitamin and Supplement so that, the next time you know what you are taking and what your body needs.



Vitamins are of two main types

  1. Fat Soluble Vitamins. (A,D,E,K)
  2. Water Soluble Vitamins (B complex and C)


The supplements are made up of few different substances combined.   


Vitamins are organic as well as synthetic.

Supplements are inorganic compounds designed to fight multiple problems at a time.


While vitamins constitute supplements, the same can not be said about supplements.

All vitamins are supplements, but all supplements are not vitamins.

Structure and size:

Vitamins are smaller compounds structurally.

Supplements as compared to Vitamins have bigger and more complex structures.

Nutritional Value:

Being organic compounds the Vitamins are reported to be of greater nutritional value than that possessed by Supplements.


The supplements cover more and provide additional benefits if taken.

The vitamins are more target oriented and do not have any extra good.


While, we are looking to combat the deficiencies in the body, we may either opt for a vitamin or a supplement. Though, a supplement may provide extra benefits along with covering the deficiencies. Which is not the case with vitamins which tend to be more specific working in nature. Human today  likes to look for a thing that not only provides the basic promised services but also may give some additional favors. Most importantly do not forget to visit your Doctor before taking any of the both mentioned above. The safer, the better.