Ernest Mercier Founder of Total S.A

Biography of Ernest Mercier
Early Life
Ernest Mercier founder of Total S.A was born in 1878 in Constantine, Algeria which became a French Colony after the World War I. He was born in the house of Ernest Mercier, Sr., who was a mayor of Constantine, Algeria. He was the third child of his family from a total of 5 children. He studied at the Ecole Poly technique and after studying at that institute he went into the French Navy and started his career there. He got a post at the port in Toulon and his job was to bring modernization into that site, especially in the field of electrical networks. On the other hand he continued his studies at the Ecole Superieured’Electricitefor three years between 1905 and 1908. In the same era he also married to Madeleine Tassin. His wife was a daughter of a republican politician and Senator.
Two Sectorial Businessmen
He was a man of different entrepreneurial skills. He was involved mainly in two field of business. Those two sectors were petroleum and electricity. At that time both of these sectors were new to the economy and these two sectors boosted the economy of the country at a larger scale. He was also a key player in 1919’s formation of the Electrical Union which was a union of small industries of the Paris. During the time of the World War I he was mainly involved in the formation of hydroelectric power plants through a company named the Messine Group, a power company of France.
Debut in the Field of Petroleum
He formally entered into the field of petroleum after entering electric field. In 1923 he was appointed by a French businessman as an advisorfor the business of petroleum. The person who advised that businessman for appointing him as an advisor was a minister of Industrial Reconstruction, that ministry was made after the destruction of war. He was taken into account for the development of petroleum sector within the country. This sector was supposed to be more threatened and weaken sector of France after war.
Founder of Total S.A.
In proceeding year of his entry in petroleum field as an advisor, keeping in view the importance of that sector he founded a new petroleum company in the month of March in 1924. That company was named as the French Petroleum Company (CFP). That company was later on became famous with the name of Total S.A.
In 1930s, there was a law that every private company should give 35 percent of its capital to the state. He got full takeover from the government of France and got 25% share in the Turkish Petroleum Company which was the reason for the expansion of the company. That company spread its wings then to Iraq, Colombia and Venezuela. Preceding forward he also got the interest of the company in the country of Romania. He also expanded it vertically by creating its refinery and transport facilitation for the petrol stations. While during the time of its expansion he remained the President of the company.
Total S. A.
Total S. A. is a multinational company of France in the field of oil and gas refinery. It’s headquarter is based in France and its petroleum stations are present in cities of different countries all over the world.
Later Life
His later life passed in the field of politics. He also remained a well-known politician of France. He also remained the President of the International Chamber of Commerce’s branch of France. He also remained on the board of directors of different companies in 1940s.
He died in 1955.
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