Isaac Newton Inventor of Gravitation force

Biography of Isaac Newton
Early Life
Isaac Newton founder of gravitation force is considered as one of the greatest scientist of all the times. He was a physicist by profession and had played an important role in development of some of the fields e.g. mathematics, physics and optics. He was born in January 1643 and we can say that he spent his childhood alone because his mother married any other person and left him to live with his husband. His behavior was very much violent in his school days and this remained with him for whole life. After his school, he joined Cambridge University in 1664.
Newton made numerous developments in fields of Physics and optics. First of all he worked on calculus in mathematics after his graduation. In the last two years of 60s he contributed mostly in the field of optics and he proposes a theory about colors also. Another achievement by Newton was that he invented a telescope which could enlarge objects 40 times.
Challenges and further achievements
Isaac Newton faced many challenges towards this color theory. One of them was, when Robert Hooke challenged his theory in a very rough manner and in a result it created problems for Sir Isaac Newton. He has made many further achievements in field of physics. Some of his work about physics include that he proposed laws of motion. These laws of motion are 3 in number and first law of motion is about motion of body in manner of inertia while second law states that force applied on a body is in proportion to its mass and acceleration. On the other hand third law proclaims that every action has a reaction. These three laws of motion are still applied in physics and are considered authentic.
Inventor of Gravitation Force
One of the most important and most renowned works of Newton was the discovery of gravitation force. Newton was sitting alone in a garden when an apple fell down towards earth. Newton started thinking that why did this apple come downwards instead of moving to any other direction. He the proposed the theory of gravitation force which stated that there is a special kind of attraction force present in earth which attracts other bodies toward it. This gravitation force theory is base of physics now days and still considered as the greatest works done by Newton.
Newton turned towards other field after these works. In his last days he was suffering from many illnesses and had many physical problems with him. At last, on March 20, 1727, an era of success came to an end and he died in London, England.