Michael Saul Dell Founder of Dell

Biography of Michael Saul Dell
Early Life
Michael Saul Dell founder of Dell is very well known American businessman. He was born in Huston, Texas in United States of America in the year of 1965 on February 23. He was from a Jewish family who had migrated to USA before his birth. His father Alexander Dell was an orthodontist while his mother Lorain Charlotte was a stock broker. He was admitted in Herod Elementary school of Huston for his early education. After his early study, took a High School equivalence exam in the age of just eight years as he was from a business family.
Interest in Computer Science
Michael Saul Dell was interested in this field from very young age. He bought his first calculator in the age of just 7 years and got another teletype machine in his junior high school. His interest in computer was not hidden from his father and as a result he bought him an Apple II in the age of 15 years. Dell eventually opened that computer to check how it is assembled. He was enrolled in Huston Memorial high school for his further education where he started to sell subscriptions to Huston Post in the season of summer.
Founder of Dell Inc
For his higher education, he got admission in University of Texas but his interest was no more in studies as he started a small informal business selling informal maintenance kits for small personal computers. After that, he applied for a license in Texas State department for his own company and after granting the license, he eventually launched and registered his own company which was known as PC’s limited at that time in year of 1984’s January. After getting an order of almost 80000$ he upgraded his company and named it as Dell Computer Corporation and set it office in Austin. With this, he employed many workers for this company and started working to assemble computers by his own and to become a giant of computer world.
Dell Inc
Dell Inc. formerly known as Dell Computer Corporation is a computer science based corporation founded by Michael Saul Dell in 1984. This company started to assemble personal computers, mini computers and much other such type of products. Presently Dell is one of the largest selling computer brands with many new models every year. Now days, company is mostly known for its production of Dell laptops which are used world widely.
Present Situation
Michael Saul Dell is presently residing in Huston Texas in United States of America and is almost 48 years of age. He is the CEO of the Dell Inc. at the time and considered as one of the leading businessmen of this sector. He was ranked as 41st richest man of the world in year of 2012 with a net worth of 15.9 billion $.
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