Thomas Chang Inventor of Artificial Cell

Biography of Thomas Chang
Early Life
Thomas Chang inventor of artificial cell is a scientist who is still living. He is one of such scientist who laid the foundation of modern sciences. He is said to be the science man of china as he is from Chinese nationality. He was born in the year of 1933 dated as in the month of April 08. He was born in Shantou which is located in China. He is basically a Chinese born Canadian nationality holder scientist who is worth to be enlightening the world with his remarkable additions and contributions to the field.
Fields of work
Thomas Chang is not only a physician but his interest can be found in almost every field of study under modern sciences. He made numerous contributions to the fields of medicine and physiology. With that, on the other hand, his remarkable work in biotechnology and biology is not in need of any introduction because his achievements speak by their self. The main and most important work of Thomas is considered as the base of modern biology and biotechnology and that work is nothing other than that of invention of artificial cell.
Education and achievements
He was in very young age and was studying in his undergraduate degree of study when he became famous with the invention of the artificial cell. This thing didn’t let him to stop his study and despite of all fame and offers of work from different organizations, he continued his study and earned bachelor’s in the year of 1957. He completed his MD in the year of 1961 and later on earned his doctorate degree in the same field just four years after that. His work in the field continued and with all the problems, he kept working as founder of artificial cell.
Inventor of Artificial Cell
Artificial cell was invented by Thomas Chang for the first time and it can be said that, it laid the base of modern cell biology in many ways. Artificial cell is also known as a minimal cell and it can be said as an engineered cell.
Artificial Cell
It is a cell that is developed artificially but works as same as that of an original biological cell. We can’t say that this similarity in work is that as 100% in both natural and artificial cells because the things developed by a man and the Allah will surely have many differences. This term artificial cell does not mean anything about physical presence of such a cell but in spite of that, it can be understood as removing or covering a specific physical area with such engineered cells with that of original biological cells. These cells are normally used to perform many functions as same as the biological cell.
Present Situation
This great scientist and physician, is still alive and has earned the award of Orders of Canada.
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