Wonderful Top 10 Nutrition Tips to Improve your Health

Keeping yourself healthy does not mean to starve yourself, following a tightly scheduled diet plan or depriving yourself of the basic food like vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates your body needs. Instead the concept of being healthy means to eat a balanced diet that contains each and everything your body needs to function appropriately. For people who want to stay healthy following tips would be of great value.
Nutrition Tips to Improve your Health
Take time to chew your food and eat slowly
Instead of eating in a hurry, you should chew it slowly, enjoying it and letting the body extract useful things out of food. It has been proven by research that when a person eats slowly less food is consumed as compared to when he eats at a fast rate.
Eating a small quantity at a time
Eating a small quantity of food several times a day is more effective than eating a large amount of food at only a specific time. Starting the day with breakfast full of nutrition will boost the body’s metabolic system, then throughout the day, small meals will psychologically enable the person to think that he is not feeling hungry. Small meals will also reduce the person craving for food.
Read the Ingredients
Before purchasing eatables, especially keeping in the view calories associated with junk food, while shopping individuals should be kept in view of how food is beneficial in terms of overall nutrient content. Single healthy ingredient among list does not make a food healthy. For example, the baked potatoes ingredient list starts with a healthy ingredient, but the final product has the same quantity of fats as that of fried potatoes. One food may be low in fat, but high on salt, so labels should be read carefully while selecting an item.
Keep Reminding yourself
The person should constantly remind her/himself, to eat healthy and less quantity of food, especially when he/she is about to take food. It is also essential that a person should avoid fast food and prefer homemade food.
Although drinking water doesn’t seem to be related to weight loss, but recent studies suggest that drinking a large quantity of water helps to cut down calories. It is estimated that drinking 6 cups of water is related to reducing 5 pounds of weight in a year.
Taking an appetizer just before the main meal will also help an individual to restrict calorie intake. Appetizer can be soup, even some fruits like apple or it could be some raw vegetables.
Add fruit and vegetable to your diet
Adding fruit and vegetable is essential in order to keep you healthy. Fruits contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are necessary for the human body to grow. Because fiber is digested more slowly, individuals tend to feel full and satisfied. Green vegetables and fruit contain vitamin A, E, potassium, and calcium. These raw fruits and vegetables enhance the body natural metabolic system as well as strengthen the natural antibodies.
Protein-Rich Diet
Our daily food intake should contain an adequate amount of protein, lack of protein can result in a slower rate of growth process, different systems of the body like respiratory system, and the circulatory system becomes weak. A good source of protein is beans and nuts (walnut, Almonds).
Eating in a Peaceful Environment
Research has suggested that individuals who take their meal while watching television, or any other distractions, their nutrients may not be properly utilized by their body as a result they will be gaining less benefit and will lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. The process of digestion begins in the brain so by thinking about and smelling the food, individuals can help their body benefit from the abundance of nutrients present in that meal. Research has shown that individuals who cut down on TV-watching also reduced their percentage of body fat.
Avoid sweet foods and carbonated drinks
A person may feel a quick boost of energy after having a chocolate or carbonated drink even after a glass of juice. But this feeling does not last long and the person feels hungry quickly afterward. Eating fresh fruits rather than a glass of juice is a better option.
Base your meals on higher fibre starchy carbohydrates
There’s myth regarding starchy food that they are fattening, it’s not like that, the carbohydrates they contain give hardly than half the calories of fat. So you don’t have to worry about that! Add high fibre starchy carbohydrates to your meals for example food that contains starchy carbohydrates are breakfast cereals, oats, grains (barley and rye), pasta, potatoes, rice, and bread. These fibre starchy carbohydrates are so beneficial for our health, for example, they are a great source of energy, which is an essential component of the body. Starchy food contains iron, B vitamins, folate, and calcium. Also, some carbohydrates help you to lose weight. Thus try to make your food more nutritious by adding starchy carbohydrates to your meals.
Eat less salt- no more than 6g a day for adults
We all know that eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure and lead a person’s health miserable. Our body already has enough sodium which is responsible to maintain blood pressure. Salt also contains sodium, therefore when we eat food high in salt than the amount of sodium in blood increases resulting in high blood pressure. And high blood pressure increases the risk of heart diseases (heart attack) and stroke. Best is not to add salt to your food or add very little because the food we are eating already contains salt when we buy it. You should take salt according to your age, for example, adults should take 6 gram of salt (which will be 2.4 gram sodium) a day and children under 1 to 3 years should take 2 gram of salt (0.8 gram sodium) a day, 4 to 6 years should take 3 gram of salt (1.2 gram of sodium) a day, 7 to 10 years should take 5 gram of salt (2 gram of sodium) a day and 11 years and more should have 6 gram of salt (2.4 gram sodium) a day. And if you are a hypertensive patient or are at risk of hypertension than you must consider your doctor about salt intake.
Do not skip breakfast
Breakfast is a very important meal of the day. Due to our busy schedules we sometimes intentionally or unintentionally skip breakfast which is wrong. It gives you energy which you need throughout your day. But you have to be careful about selecting your breakfast meal. An unhealthy breakfast has adverse effects. Try to wake up early and spare time for having a healthy breakfast.
Don’t smoke or do drugs, and avoid drinking alcohol
Cigarette smoking, drugs, and alcohol affects your health poorly. If you want a healthy and nutritious life but you smoke, abuse drugs, or drinks alcohol than you need to solve these problems first. If you don’t consider these things seriously than you are risking your life. If you drink alcohol or smoke try to quit it as soon as possible for the sake of your health and life.
Track your food intake every now and then
Always have check and balance of your food, the only way to know exactly how many calories you eat is to weigh your food. And try to make sure that you’re getting enough essential nutrients. And always maintain your body mass index (BMI) by calculating it yourself. Body mass index is measurement of height and weight.
All of the above mentioned health tips if followed result in a healthy individual, while failing to follow them would result in an unhealthy, lazy, stubborn, irritating person. Which nutrition tip do you use to improve your health?
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