Medicines and their compositions have always been tricky for a common man. You never know what medicine would be causing what reaction? The pharmacology is a vast subject with thousands and thousands of drugs. It’s not unknown to all of us about the struggle medical students do while trying to remember all those names in pharmacology. There are unlimited names and many sounds same even, leaving a person under the illusion that the drugs might be sisters. But no, many times even the same sounding medicines are so very different with their targets.

Recently, during Covid-19 pandemic we often have heard and read about Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine. Both the drugs were under trial for treating the Corona Virus infection.

The drugs with almost similar names are often compared to each other. Are they the same? Or there’s an entirely different story even if the names are same? We got you covered in this article. Let’s answer and correct the doubts about Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine.

What is Chloroquine?

It is used against malarial infections. Chloroquine remains a reputed anti-malarial of all the times. It is also known for its potent role against Amebiasis.

What is Hydroxychloroquine?

Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial widely used around the globe. It is also used in Auto-immune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, etc.

Chloroquine vs Hydroxychloroquine

With names being same and belonging into the same group it is highly likely for people to confuse both these drugs for each other. And honestly, we don’t blame you.

Half Life

Chloroquine: 45-55 days.

Hydroxychloroquine: 32-50 days.

Used in prevention of Malaria

Chloroquine is not used for the prevention of Malaria as it is not effective for preventing it.

Hydroxychloroquine is widely used to prevent Malaria.



  • Patients with hypersensitivity to Chloroquine group.
  • Cross sensitivity has also been witnessed to Chloroquine in patients who are hypersensitive to Hydroxychloroquine.


  • 4-aminoquinolines hypersensitive patients.
  • Cardiac patients.
  • Diabetic patients.


Hydroxychloroquine is a derivative of Chloroquine. Some evidence also exists for Hydroxychloroquine being less toxic than Chloroquine.

Effectiveness against Covid-19.

Chloroquine has been put under trial and it proved to be somewhat effective against Corona Virus. However, due to the side effects it is highly recommended to ask a doctor before taking the drug.

Hydroxychloroquine established itself as a strong drug that can help with the treatment of Corona Virus. To avoid complications, we will again say please refer to a doctor before you use this medicine.

Related terms

Half life: It is the time taken by a drug or a thing to reduce to half of its original value.

Autoimmune disease: When your own body works as a defence mechanism against your cells and organs.

Cross sensitivity: It is the sensitivity caused by one drug to the different but related drugs.

Conclusion: When we are talking about drugs, it is difficult to announce one as a winner to other. Because just like the human body the substances needed to treat it are also complex. One drug belonging to one group may work better under different medical conditions of a patient as compared to the other one which would be made to tackle a problem that the previous one couldn’t help with. But, as both the drugs mentioned above belong to Anti-malarial group. We are still going to give you a little idea. Hydroxychloroquine with it’s ability to prevent malaria wins over Chloroquine. As we all know “Prevention is better than cure”. Still, we would request you to consult your doctor before trying to use any drug ever. Stay safe!