Debates are so common these days, either on social media or electronic media or in real life. Which sometimes turn into fights, due to our lack of knowledge between an opinion and hate speech. We have no idea either we are giving our opinion or doing hate speech. Everyone wants to be heard. People mix things up and have no idea either they are giving their opinion or doing hate speech. While we debate on something do we really know the difference between opinion and hate speech?

What is an opinion?

Opinion is a belief, impression, judgement or prevailing view held by person. You give your idea about a particular thing or topic not based on facts. Opinion is always given politely without hurting anyone.

What is hate speech?

Hate speech is communication that carries no meaning other than the expression of hatred. It covers all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify hatred. Hate speech expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion or gender etc. It is also known as abusive or threatening speech.

Opinion Vs Hate Speech

It is unlikely to confuse an opinion with hate speech. It is safe to say that there is obvious line of demarcation between them.


Hate speech incite violence against others while giving opinion allows people to share their beliefs, thoughts and ideas openly.


Hate speech degrades the society through unnecessary factions while different opinions improve the society through social change.


Hate speech incite violence against others while giving opinion allows people to share their beliefs, thoughts and ideas openly.


Hate speech hurts oneself and gets socially punished and opinions gets supported.


Hate speech encourages violence against particular person or group. And opinions presents two sides of an issue without hurting each other.


Hate speech does not support politeness while opinions are always given politely.


Hate speech is pro hate crime and opinion are against hate crimes.


Hate speech does not support free speech while opinions are given as free speech.


If we keep supporting hate speech our future and future generation will be ruined. But if we support opinions then our future is in safe hands.


People nowadays confuses hate speech with opinions and freedom of speech. It is high time that we should know, when talking to a person or a group of people, whether we are giving our opinions or doing hate speech. While talking or debating it should be noted that what’s the difference between giving an opinion and doing hate speech. We should make sure that when we talk, we should give opinions, and respect the words of others and give them space and stay away from hate speech. As a society it’s our responsibility to know the difference between giving opinions politely and avoid hate speech and to teach the difference to our younger generation so they do not go astray in the future. Tell us what do you say?