Difference between Pakistani Media, Indian Media and International Media

Do you think that the shifting landscape has made Pakistan a favourite place or platform for international media? Yes! It is the reality and this is what Pakistanis are encountering now-a-days. In this matter, media is playing a vital role so that they could misrepresent Pakistan on and off. This post intends to display the difference between Pakistani Media and International Media in terms of thoughts, culture and policies.
Pakistani Media vs. Indian Media vs. International Media
Pakistan- through the lens of foreign land
Considering American or any other land of West, Pakistan is now a favourite hot topic for them to portray. Now, the question does hit the mind how and why Pakistan has acquired such presence in the lands of West? The answer is simple that 9/11 series was the event that portrayed a wrong image of it.
Indian media, as compared to Pakistani media, is far more negative. In its size it is trying to compete with American media. Indian media has matured, but Pakistani media is still in its infancy. For instance, the Indian film industry is competing with Hollywood, but Pakistan still does not have any proper ‘industry’ as such.
Considering Pakistani lens on the other side, there is nothing like that Pakistani media promotes the happenings, the movies on their news channels like geo news, Samaa TV and many others.
Pakistani Stories and International Stories
When it comes to the Pakistani events, statistically we have so many stories for example on the Guardians website, Pakistan shows a great increment in stories that vary from 1,191 in 2000 and 2,360 in 2012. From such stories, large number of stories started becoming part of the ‘World Section’.
On the other hand, Pakistan warmly welcomes each of the politicians or any celebrity who visits Pakistan. The media does not misrepresents the events of west. With the coming of Prime Minister Imran Khan to the chair, Pakistani media had a push back to the 1980s.
Indian media is growing leaps and bounds through internet also. India’s current Prime Minister is one of the most followed accounts on social networking sites.
A notion of Islam phobia and orientalism
Islam phobia is a term which is introduced by West and international Media is so alienated with it. Orientalism is also a term that shows the difference between West and East. Even through movies like ‘My Name is Khan’, ‘New York’, in which hatred for Islam has been portrayed so ruthlessly. In this state, now West is scared of Pakistanis.
Moving on to Pakistan, the natives or aboriginals are not scared of the West; rather they take interest in talking to them. Considering the example of Angelina Jolie, a renowned actor who visited Pakistan and was shown as wearing Shawl, helping the needy people living in slum areas. So why Pakistan is now a country to be hated?
Indian media is not Islam phobic because India is a secular country. Though Islam is a religion observed by minority of people in India, still their rights and plights are safeguarded by the law and media alike. There is no partiality while portraying the true matters of people of India and abroad.
Entertainment representation
Pakistani media services broadcast multi-cultural international stuff also. In Pakistani news, you must have seen that there is a segment of entertainment in which movie trailers related to India, different Western countries are shown but this thing is completely absent in International news.
Indian media also broadcasts multi-cultural programmes. It is not confined only to its own productions; rather it broadcasts famous informative and entertaining programmes from distant lands.
The west is more interested in presenting their own upcoming movies and plays.
Internal Affairs
Pakistan media sometimes makes mistakes by acting immaturely about India and other countries. It misrepresents Pakistan’s internal affairs, which in turn become harmful for its own.
On the other hand, Indian media acts very maturely about its internal and foreign affairs. It tries to present true data without disrupting the social fabric of the country.
American dream and hatred for Pakistan:
In Pakistan, every being is more interested in setting off to West. The media through their channels show the luxurious environment which definitely fascinates the people so the American dream is hovering around the natives. According to Leiby, a Pakistani Correspondent for The Washington Post, says: “Spend two weeks in Pakistan: You are confused. Spend one year in Pakistan: You are more confused”. Pakistani attitude is being badly misrepresented but still Pakistani media is still treated like a non-living thing.
Will the oppression through media ever ended or not?
Will this Oppression ever end or not? Will the authorities always misuse the people through their media? When will the notion of ‘terrorist grooming country’ get off from the landscape? The natives are looking for the replies, answers of the conflicts between Pakistan and other international countries. Yes! Pakistanis are still confined with the American lifestyle and Indian culture through their plays. This leads them in a pool where identity is far from them as identity crisis is badly faced by them. Internationally, Pakistan has no more ground in the eyes of the West just because they are authorized with resources and weapons. What is your opinion?
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